Source: Mobile report 2017-2-20 16:50

Monetize the in-app video advertising opportunity

Monetize the in-app video advertising opportunity

With people spending more and more time on their smartphones as compared to desktop, mobile app industry is growing exceptionally. To cope up with these evolving trends, many advertisers are allotting more money for in-app video ads. Since in-app video offers better opportunity and higher conversion rate, brands and ad agencies need to concentrate on video advertizing to capture the targeted consumer at the right time.

Industry stats

According to Jupiter Research’s estimation, in-app ad expenditure will touch $16.9 billion by 2018, which was $3.5 billion in 2013.

Why in-app ads work?

One reason why in-app ads work better is because it is powered by location data. But it is not the only reason, being able to use this data at the right time in the right manner is more important.



Why opt for in-app advertizing?

In-app video advertising has many advantages. Video ads offer higher rate of engagement than other ad formats and they can be incorporated effortlessly into any app. This type of advertising allows brands to craft ads that are quirky and interesting. If you are looking for an easy and effective ad format to monetize your app, using in-app video advertising is a no-brainer.

Make the most of in-app video advertising

In-app ads can be featured on the majority free apps and some paid apps as well. It’s an effective and simple way to put into practice and make money. In-app video advertising comes in the form of short clip, similar to the ads you see while watching YouTube videos. You get profits when a person views the ad or for that matter, just clicks on it. Revenue depends on the ad model (such as, CPM, PPC, etc.) you select. Video advertising has been around for a while, but integrating it within the app is the latest trend.


Which in-app ads work?

It’s difficult to pin-point a type that works best because it depends to various factors. For an instance, video ad is useful if your brand is already popular. If Mad over Donut publishes an ad that states “Download now for a free doughnut,” there’s a high chance that you’ll click on the ad instantly to redeem this lucrative offer.

But if a relatively new brand comes up with the same video ad, you may not care about the offer at all.

Ensuring that an ad is relevant to the consumer and concurrently offering it in a non-invasive manner is the best way to grab user’s attention. Consumers are more likely to pay attention if the content is relevant to their interests. It is the relevancy that makes the ad gripping.


In-app video advertising has radically altered the landscape of mobile advertising. Here are the major opportunities this ad format offers.


1.           Highly Rewarding

In-app mobile video ads offer incomparable capability for communication, which is the key to success in ad industry. Ads that are integrated seamlessly within the app reduce disturbance and engage the customers better. In-app video ads reward you back when you reward you customers. Advertisers can monetize this opportunity by creating opt-in ads and rewarding customers with vouchers or discounted offers for their valuable participation.

2.           Varying opportunities

In-app video has various options in lengths and formats. ‘Opt-in’ ads engage customers in the best way, whereas ‘autoplay’ ads have become the standard. Autoplay is also equally effective for mobile video advertisers. It has been proved when Twitter observed a 2.5X rise in engagement after they launched autoplay ads.

3.           Largest captive viewers

In-app video advertising provides the largest captive viewers. While the usage of mobile internet is seemingly increasing in Europe and the US, mobile internet usage is already prevalent in the big markets including India. With the near ubiquity of smartphones, a lot of customers are using mobile devices to access the Internet. This opens up new door of opportunity for mobile video advertisers to strike the right chord of the consumers.


 Best practices for Video advertising

Video ads have become significant and powerful medium for both brands and customers. Video ads can increase consciousness and perk up conversion rates. However, making effective video ad needs both science and art. Irrespective of the ad platform, following are the best practices to create more effective online video ad campaigns:

·             Focus on quality content.

·             Personalize the ads.

·             Tailor your ads according to platform and content.

·             Use consumer’s data to keep the ad relevant.

·             Refine your targeting.

·             Keep the videos short and intriguing.

·             Convey authenticity.

·             Use compelling content for high conversion rate.

·             Pick the right time and the right platform for your ad.

·             Don’t neglect the thumbnail.

·             Feature images within the first three seconds.

·             Get smart about combating ad frauds.


In-app video advertising is great way to maximize revenue from the mobile app because the conversion rate is the best with in-app ads. But the actual catch is to know which Ad network suits you best. Every ad network is different, and you will get completely different results from each one. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses to figure out right ad network for your business.

In-app video ads offer high rewards with very little risk. So, if you’re looking for ways to monetize your app, you must give it a go to earn good money.